Few people are fully aware of what alcohol really does when it enters your body. There is the euphoria you may experience, but there are also other actions taking place at the same time. It is slowing your ability to think and react, plus it is causing little bits of damage. The more alcohol you put in your body, the more damage it has the potential to do. Plus, alcohol even has the power to rewire how your brain works. …

There are several things that you need to do when recovering from a DUI arrest. First, you need to get your DUI screening done. Second, you need to figure out who is going to be by your side during your court appearances. Finally, but certainly not any less important than the others, you need to figure out your aftercare plan. This is what you set up so that you are far less likely to ever make the same mistake again …

When you get the results of your DUI screening, it is important that you go over them. It is important that you understand what they say and what they suggest for your future. If you made a one-time mistake and rarely drink as it is, you likely got results saying that you need DUI classes. However, if you are a regular drinker, you may have a suggestion for drug and alcohol rehab in the mix. If this is the case, …
Comparing the Types of DUIs in Arizona

There are several types of DUIs in Phoenix, Arizona. Each of them carries with them unique consequences. You need to understand what constitutes a DUI in Arizona to understand what you could face if you choose to drink and drive. Even if you do not have a blood alcohol level at or above 0.08%, you can still face a DUI arrest in Phoenix. You only have to appear to be unsafe behind the wheel in order to face a DUI …
What Do I Get Out of a DUI Screening?

Many people hear the term DUI screening and think “Why would I do this?”. Many wrongly believe that a DUI alcohol screening will not do any good after their DUI arrest and cost them money that they may not have right now. Truth be told, if you were arrested for an Arizona DUI, then you should go out of your way to get a DUI screening, whether or not your lawyer or the judge told you that you had to. …
Were you told by someone that a DUI screening could help you, should you get convicted of a DUI in Phoenix? Well, they were right. They can be very beneficial should you go through and face a conviction of any DUI charges in Phoenix, Arizona. In nearly all cases, if you get convicted, the judge will offer you less time in jail if you were to go through and complete a DUI screening and the subsequent DUI alcohol classes. However, …
DUIs and The Damage Alcohol Does to You

Drinking alcohol in moderation can be beneficial for healthy adults, according to several scientific studies, but don’t be fooled, ingesting it in excess and for long periods of time, can have some very negative consequences on almost every organ in your body. The damage alcohol does to you is not only physical and emotional, but it can result in a DUI that will tarnish your record for several years. Having a couple of beers after work while hanging out with …

You probably already realize that getting behind the wheel of a motorized vehicle after consuming any alcohol is a serious crime known as driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI). While it only takes a small amount of alcohol to cause this situation, you’re not officially considered drunk unless you have a blood alcohol content (BAC) level of at least 0.08%. As such, you might not even show any warning signs that you’re driving drunk, but this …

For many individuals, the legal process that follows their DUI is completely new to them. Often, many are left uninformed as to how to go about this and due to high levels of emotion, finding the right direction can be a challenge. Don’t panic, we’re here to break it down for you. Although many who receive a DUI focus solely on the legal actions that must be taken, it should be noted that there are many people who may need …
Arizona DUI Statistics
2013 saw a sharp decline in Arizona DUI arrests with the director of Office of Highway Safety attributing the decline to the public’s better understanding of legal limits and the consequences for driving under the influence.